Sunday, May 13, 2012


During a response time at the Gathering last week we were asked to choose a word.

A word that speaks our story, that shows a bit of who we are.
Normally I have a go to response word, "restored". That word speaks so much of my story. So much of who I am and what I have been through.
this little girl had no idea what God had in at 3

But I realized sitting in this sanctuary filled with hundreds of children's directors, pastors, volunteers that there was a much bigger word in my life. A word that gripped from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.

In was shaken by the word.

So many things about me have been redefined, have been changed, reshaped.

Just the fact that I was sitting in a conference for people in children's ministry is redefining who I once was.

The fact that I have a heart for missions...that I could be classified "a leader"...that I am looking to make a huge jump...that I have been through hell and back and have lived to tell about it.

None of this things are who I was in High school.

Heck none of these thing were who I was most of college.

I have been completely renewed, reoriented, restored and redefined in Christ.

This is something I wrote a long while ago on another blog of mine

I NEED Jesus
Without Him?
I have no point.
No Purpose.
No Identity.
I live in HIM
Through HIM
He is my focus.
He knows me more then I know me
He has created me as HIS beautiful
Loving, Broken but Whole in HIM

This has been my mantra and my reminder. I have been completely redefined in who I am because of Christ. 

Had you told me in High school that I would be strongly desiring to go on missions, to be in full time ministry or that I would love God this much?

I would not have believed you. That Meghan was loving and kind yes, but her heart had not been infiltrated with the overwhelming all consuming love of Christ yet.

That Meghan had not gone through hell.
That Meghan had not stepped out of her bubble.
That Meghan had not really lived..

This Meghan is changed, reshaped, redefined and ready to jump into whatever God has.

And that makes me look at what I do each day a little different, makes me look at the kids I work with and wonder where is God going to shape them, change them, where is God going to remind them how much He loves them even in the darkness.

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