Monday, April 23, 2012

Top Ten

Here is a Top Ten list for my life right particular order!
Yep. Example of 3 b.
  1. Big Booty Forever 21. 13 dollar jeans? Thank you very much. Changed my life. 
    1. trips to Mission Viejo mall w/ the roommate...
    2. Jersey shore....
    3. Freaking bright blue pants that have alluded me
    4. not, not THOSE blue pants...
  2. My Iphone..this one is self explanatory 
    1. the Icloud changed my life
  3. Pinterest...because we all need a new way to procrastinate
    1. crafts for the preschool
    2. ways to decorate the house I don’t have
    3. addiction enabler
    4. pinterest...ways to make #4 on the list easier!
  4. Vegetarian April. Because not only do I feel better BUT hey who knew...I can cook
  5. I could spend HOURS on this just giggling away.
    1. also? “Hey girl...”
  6. My 2 day morning class
    1. I could potential not drink coffee before this one and be ok..
      1. who am I kidding not drinking coffee is a bad idea
  7. Vampire diaries...yes I am serious [and of course TVD recaps...seriously the joy of my after work friday...]
    1. And it’s on the CW....hello hotties
    2. I guess I can add my TVD twitter feed too
  8. Zumba..seriously? nothing has been able to change my mood more then this fun work out class. And if you know my story, my testimony, my life the past four years know that starting to do zumba 2-3/ week has help balance me out more then most other things in my life.[see]
    1. #teamnolongerbackrow
    2. #teamwegotstraightkickedoutofthebackrow
    3. #teamnotquitemoveslikejagger
  9. My beautiful new god-daughters...loves of my life
  10. Going to the 7pm service at my church on Sundays..
    1. Church with Nickle
    2. ZA family
    3. "20 somethings...average age"
So here are just a few things that I am currently in love with in my life. Some things you can purchase...some things I can link you too. But these are the things that right now bring me immense joy.
What about you?

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Good Friday

Usually around this time of year I will write something about Easter. About how I am so grateful that HE is alive.
And I am. So incredibly grateful that my God? Is alive.

But tonight at the Good Friday services at RockHarbor I was rocked a little bit. And the funny thing was I knew that I was rocked by it before I even came to church. How so?

This is my Good Friday story- This morning I woke up on the beautiful day off. This moment I have been waiting for, for a couple months. And I went on a walk with my friend Mari.

We were talking, catching up, having some serious convo when I came to a realization. It's one I have had before; I've even said it before but for some reason on this day it impacted me a lot.

It was this: I firmly believe, from the bottom of my heart that if I wasn't a christian; if I didn't have Jesus in my heart I would NOT in any way shape or form have survived the last 3 years of my life. I don't think I would have made it. I would have been crushed. I would have given in to the overwheleming depression.

I honestly don't think I would be alive.

But through all of this, through the dark, the despair, the crushing hopelessness? I always had a light at the end of the tunnel. I always had a still, small voice telling me I was going to get through it. Tell me He was going to help me through it.

But in all of the soul searching, in everything that I have talked about, prayed about, I have never attributed all of those feelings to this day.

To the day my Jesus hung on a cross. To the moment when my Jesus died to defeat death.

I know that in that moment He carried all my sins. The stupid decisions that I choose to make, the cutting words I say. He took them away.

But He also gave me a hope to live in the world that would try and try to bring me down. Hope to live in a world that was completely broken.

A world that would and is trying to break us. Trying to make us broken.
Today I realized that when Jesus died on the cross? 

He became my nightlight in the darkness.
He became the person, the God that would get me through the hell I have gone through. 

I am always thankful for the cross. Thankful for the opportunity to continually lean on and confess the things I am not so proud.

But today I am more thankful for the fact that because of the cross I was not crushed. Because of the cross I am not dead. Spiritual death or literal death.

So thank you Jesus for the cross..
thank you for making beautiful things out of us.

And for the knowledge that you will come again.