Sunday, January 1, 2012

Be Calm Have no regret

If I had to summarize 2011 I would have to say that it feels like a year the my heart got broken into a million pieces. 
“when a heart breaks no it don’t break even”..
I won’t mention all the sadness, hurt, and pain I went through...because it is in the past of this year. 
So my heart was broken.
And now is slowly getting put back together.
Yah, that sounds about right. 
As I go through the months in my head I can’t believe that certain events happened just this year. And I am also realizing that their are certain people in my life that I care for more then I could ever imagine. 
I also learned that I apparently have a line in which I can do no more. 
I learned that I can be a leader.
I got a new job that I love dearly. 
I have been spurred on to write more.
I fell desperately, madly in love with the country and people of South Africa.  I pray that in 2012 or soon I can return there.
I love Jesus more. 
There are so many things I feel that I need to say about this year. So many people I need to thank. So many that I am undeniably grateful for because they are in my life.
There are people I miss, there are a few I miss so much in pains me.
But I will look onto 2012.
I feel the last few years there has been so much stress, sadness, and busy-ness surrounding my life.
2012 there is so much to accomplish, so much to hope for, so many adventures to have...I hope at the end of this year I am able to look at a year of memories clearly unlike the chaotic-ness of what is going on in my head right now. [hence the haphazard words thrown everywhere on this page]
My goals are simple.
Be Calm.
Have no regret.
I pray YOUR new year brings you much peace and joy.
<3 Megs